Highlighted Help Wanted Ads
Get your ad noticed. Top of the listing page and highlighted!Highlighted Advertising Information
At the current time, we offer 3 highlighted ad positions on the workamping jobs help wanted listing page (/workampingjobs.php) and the Work Wanted listing page (/resume.php). These highlighted ads will display as the very first ads on the page and will have a distinct background color to draw more attention to them. These ad spots are available on a first come, first served basis and are priced as follows:
• $30 - Ad will run for up to 30 days from the minute your ad is flagged as highlighted.
• $18 - Ad will run for up to 14 days from the minute your ad is flagged as highlighted.
• $10 - Ad will run for up to 07 days from the minute your ad is flagged as highlighted.
• $3 - Ad will run for up to 24 hours from the minute your ad is flagged as highlighted.
Your ad will run for the selected number of days in this position unless you request to remove it before those days are up. Even if you remove the ad early, the fee is still the same and you forfeit any remaining days. Once you remove your ad from the highlighted position, the position will be made available to the next person on the waiting list. Your ad will be moved to the regular listings if not in the highlighted position, assuming the ad is still active.
Your payment can be made via PayPal or Apple Pay. Once payment is received, your ad will be placed into the highlighted position for up to the specified number of days. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at .
There are currently 3 highlighted ad positions available on the Help Wanted ads page.
There are currently 3 highlighted ad positions available on the Work Wanted ads page.
Please complete this form if you would like your ad to be in a highlighted position.