is 100% free for everyone to use and no registration is required to use the site.
RV parks and campgrounds can place free help wanted ads and RVers can post free resumes.
Just make your selections from the menu and we hope you enjoy the site!

Image Upload

On this page, you can upload an image that will show in your existing ad. You will need to know your ad ID and password in order to upload an image.   If you just submitted an ad, you should have an email with this information in it.   If you do not know your ad ID and/or password, you can retrieve it from the menu to the right.   If you want to change the picture in your ad, you must delete the old one first.

Here are the guidelines for uploading an image:
•   Only images with the .jpg extension can be uploaded.
•   Your file name cannot contain any spaces!
•   Files can be no larger than 100k.
•   Images should be 300 x 300 pixels in size. If they aren't, they may be scrunched or stretched.
•   All images must be rated G and related to your ad (you, your camper, etc.).
•   Inappropriate images will simply be deleted and your email / IP may be banned.
•   Images will not be visible online until they have been approved (spam prevention).

If you need to change your file format or reduce the image size, you can do so for free at websites like or  

If you have not updated your password since 02/25/2020, you will not be able to upload an image.  Click here to change your password.

Select an image to upload:

Please enter the ad ID and password you want this image to display in.

Ad ID:         Password:

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